Dogs, much like humans, have their unique ways of preparing for bed. While some may simply plop down and fall asleep immediately, others have quirky bedtime habits that can turn winding down into an entertaining ritual. These behaviors are often rooted in their instincts, personality traits, or specific breed tendencies. Whether it’s circling their sleeping spot, dragging their favorite toy to bed, or meticulously rearranging blankets until everything feels just right, certain breeds stand out with bedtime routines that are far from ordinary and never fail to amuse.
Bull Terrier

Bull Terriers are playful and mischievous, and this extends to their bedtime routine. Before sleeping, many Bull Terriers engage in a strange ritual of circling their bed and “digging” at their blankets as if they’re making a nest. This behavior can go on for several minutes, often paired with carrying a favorite toy or blanket to bed. The combination of circling, digging, and blanket-arranging is a mix of instinct and personality, creating a charming, if somewhat lengthy, process before they finally settle in for the night.
Shiba Inu

Shiba Inus are known for their independence and strong-willed personalities, and this shines through in their bedtime rituals. These dogs are meticulous about their sleeping area, often spending time adjusting their blankets into a perfect nest before curling up. Once they’ve arranged everything just right, they typically tuck their nose into their tail and curl into a tight ball. Their bedtime routine reflects their need for order and comfort, but it also shows off their natural self-sufficiency. Watching a Shiba Inu create the perfect sleeping spot is both fascinating and adorable.

Dachshunds are natural burrowers, a trait that stems from their history as hunting dogs bred to go after badgers in underground tunnels. This instinct is still alive and well in their bedtime behavior, as many Dachshunds will spend several minutes digging into their blankets or burrowing under pillows before they feel ready to sleep. Sometimes, they even manage to squeeze themselves under the covers completely. This burrowing behavior is both practical and endearing, creating a cozy, den-like environment where they feel safe and secure.
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are affectionate dogs who love being close to their humans, and this shows in their bedtime habits. Many Cavaliers feel the need to be as close to their owners as possible before they can settle down for the night. Whether it’s curling up on their owner’s feet, snuggling on a lap, or resting their head on someone’s arm, Cavaliers thrive on this physical connection. Their bedtime routine isn’t complete without some quality cuddle time, making them wonderfully affectionate—though sometimes a bit clingy when it’s time to sleep.

Beagles have an incredible sense of smell, and they use this to its fullest during their bedtime routine. Before sleeping, beagles often sniff their entire sleeping area to ensure that everything is in order and safe. Some will engage in circling behavior, while others add in some howling or grumbling as they wind down. This bedtime routine stems from their natural instincts as scent hounds, always on alert even as they prepare to rest. Their combination of sniffing, circling, and sometimes vocalizing makes bedtime with a Beagle a multi-step process that is as endearing as it is peculiar.
Great Dane

Great Danes, despite their enormous size, are known for being gentle giants, and their bedtime habits reflect their need for comfort. Many Great Danes will sit or lie down next to their bed for several minutes before deciding to actually lie on it. This behavior often looks like they’re contemplating the best way to fit their massive bodies onto their bed. Some Danes even pace around their sleeping area, testing out different spots before finally settling down with a loud sigh. Their size, combined with their indecisiveness, makes bedtime both a spectacle and a reminder that even giants need their perfect spot.

Greyhounds, known for their sleek build and speed, have a particularly quirky bedtime habit called “roaching.” This refers to when they sleep on their back with their legs up in the air, resembling a roach. This unusual sleeping position is a sign that they feel comfortable and safe in their environment. Before “roaching,” many Greyhounds also perform a few spins or circles before finally lying down. Their unique combination of spinning and then sleeping in such an awkward position makes them one of the most entertaining breeds when it comes to bedtime rituals.
Cocker Spaniel

Cocker Spaniels have a charming bedtime habit of gathering toys and bringing them to their sleeping area. Some Cocker Spaniels are so attached to their toys that they need to have one with them to settle down for the night. In addition to their toy-collecting tendencies, many Cocker Spaniels will spend time circling or adjusting their blankets before lying down. This combination of gathering their “treasures” and perfecting their bed setup makes bedtime with a Cocker Spaniel a well-orchestrated event, full of fetching and fluffing before they’re ready to rest.

Boxers are known for their playful energy, and this doesn’t disappear at bedtime. Many Boxers have a peculiar habit of engaging in a burst of energy, commonly referred to as the “bedtime zoomies,” before they settle down. This sudden, playful sprint around the house or leap onto the bed is their way of burning off the last of their energy for the day. Once they’ve tired themselves out, Boxers tend to dramatically flop down onto their bed, often accompanied by a loud sigh. Their pre-sleep antics are a reminder that even after a full day, Boxers are always up for one last game.

The Basenji, known as the “barkless dog,” has some unusual bedtime habits that match its unique personality. Many Basenjis are known for meticulously grooming themselves before bed, much like a cat. They’ll lick their paws and clean their fur before finally settling down for the night. In addition to their grooming ritual, Basenjis often curl up in tight spaces, seeking warmth and comfort. Their quiet, meticulous nature makes their bedtime routine stand out among other breeds, offering a calm and soothing contrast to more boisterous dogs with hyperactive pre-sleep routines.
When Bedtime Feels Like A Canine Sleepover Party

If you’ve ever watched your dog go through their elaborate bedtime routine, you know it can feel like a full-on production. These peculiar habits offer plenty of entertainment during the nightly wind-down. Whether they’re arranging blankets, gathering toys, or performing a pre-sleep spin, these breeds turn bedtime into an event you won’t want to miss. So the next time your dog takes an extra five minutes to settle in, remember—they’re preparing for their cozy version of a sleepover party, complete with all the necessary rituals!