These Miss India 2016 Models have an advice for Pet Lovers| Be Wise & – Petsworld

Mumbai based NGO World for all animal care and adoptions (WFA) joined hands with the MISS INDIA contestants and formally launched on the 8th of March 2016 one of the noblest campaigns of all times- Adopt a Stray! Finding a forever home for stray Indian animal breeds was the focus area of the initiative. What better way than the beauties themselves propagating this beautiful message with utmost conviction and much fanfare. fbb Femina Miss India aspirants are so chosen to represent society in all its colors and animals/pets form an integral part of it. The contestants did complete justice to the ideology of true inner charm & beauty by giving their voice to the ‘Pet adoption drive’ and ensuring its success by creating the right buzz around the cause.

The women’s day brunch cum animal adoption event took place at the pet-welcoming Zoobar run by Nishant Joshi.  Some bollywood names such as Sarah Jane Dias, Aditi Gowitrikar and other celebrities like model /VJ Alesia Raut, fashion designers Nivedita Saboo, Sonakshi Raaj and Nidhi Munim, and etiquette expert Sabira Merchant among others, were not just conspicuous with their presence at the event but also with real emotions and concern by stepping forward to adopt stray kittens/puppies that were put up for adoption. The celebrities were seen unanimously laying stress on the importance of stray adoption and linked the initiative to being empowered in the real sense of the word.

2007 Femina Miss India Sarah Jane Dias has tasted success as a bollywood actress as well and feels truly blessed to be associated with the cause of helping animals in need as she is an avid animal lover. She is of the opinion that the beauty queen route provides a platform to advocate humble causes that will be heard and followed greatly.

Miss India as a Brand upholds the concept of beauty that is not superficial! A spokesperson from the beauty pageant federation said, “Miss India organization has always partnered with initiatives that relate to beauty which is skin deep and go beyond the obvious. We are excited to contribute with the cause of adopting stray animals.”

WFA the NGO regularly organizes camps for adoption of the Stray Indian breeds. Their aim is to popularize the benefits of taking under one’s care and shelter an Indian breed due to it requiring lesser maintenance and it exhibiting greater endurance. The NGO is actively involved in providing treatment to injured or ailing strays and carry out their rehabilitation.

Shahira Sunder Vice President of the NGO and the entire team of World for All Animal Care and Adoptions have organized similar campaigns in the past and witnessed a huge support from Bollywood biggies. Celebrity couple Soha Ali Khan and Kunal Khemu adopted two stray pups to support the cause. Choreographer Farah Khan too has adopted a stray puppy in an attempt to lend a voice to a past campaign. Starlets Athiya Shetty and Suraj Pancholi have previously worked closely at one of the WTF events.

There are numerous cases of Motherless kittens dying of hunger/gruesome injuries on roadside; all they needed were warm human hands to caress and care. So many homeless pups and adult cat & dogs die daily due to accidents, illnesses that could have been cured or being attacked by other strays.

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Be wise = Adopt a Stray!

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