One day in North Carolina, a kind 10-year-old boy named Wendell Overton saw something very sad. He noticed a group of kids, aged between five and thirteen, hurting a cat.
They were throwing the cat in the air, kicking it, and running over it with their bikes. Wendell knew he had to help the poor cat or it would die. So, he ran over to the kids and told them to stop.
At first, they ignored him, but Wendell didn’t give up. “I’m not leaving without this cat!” he shouted. He grabbed the cat and ran home. Once safe, he and his mom called the Outer Banks SPCA.
Wendell and his mom took the cat to the SPCA, where it was given immediate medical care and named Jackson. The SPCA was very grateful to Wendell and shared his brave story on their Facebook page. Wendell’s story and picture quickly spread, and many people were amazed by his courage. Lots of people sent letters to thank Wendell for what he did.
In the next two weeks, Jackson started to recover from his injuries. As he got better, the SPCA looked for a new home for him. An animal rescue group in New York, called North Shore Animal League, offered to take Jackson, and the SPCA agreed.

When Jackson was well enough, he went to his new home in New York. Soon after arriving, a couple named Joe and Jennifer Marinelli adopted him. Jackson loved his new parents and got along well with his new cat sister.
“Jackson is the sweetest, most trusting and loving creature one could ever hope for! We feel that it’s an honor to have him in our lives!” Jennifer Marinelli wrote on Facebook.
Wendell and the SPCA staff were happy to hear that Jackson found a good home. Now, after more than five years, Jackson is still happy living with the Marinellis. He loves cuddling with his parents and spending time with his cat sister. Thanks to Wendell’s bravery, Jackson has a wonderful life on Long Island.
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Wendell is a brave kid who stood up against animal abuse, proving to be a true hero. And he isn’t the only child who has gone out of their way to help a cat. Another 10-year-old boy named Aashir also acted quickly when his cat was in trouble, showing just how far kids will go to help animals in need.
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