In a world filled with sad stories plastered on social media and news stations, we bring to you this uplifting, feel-good video that will make your whole body smile! In the Instagram reel posted below, we meet a precious little girl in a purple dress. At a young age, she is already infatuated with cats (and who can blame her?!). She lives with her family in a rural neighborhood. Down the road is a barn and the little girl’s mom heard that one of the barn cats had just given birth to a single kitten.
The little girl and her mother took a walk, hoping to meet the cat and her kitten. As they approached the barn, the little girl called for the cat. “Psst Psst,” she repeated over and over. The mama cat emerged and happily said hello to the girl. The little girl knelt down and the cat climbed onto her lap. The girl was ecstatic. She gaped and then said, “Awww.” The mother cat was so loving!

The sweet mama cat, proud of her single baby, was eager to show her off. The kitten came out of hiding and walked to her mom. Seeing that her mother was not afraid of the girl, the baby knew it would be okay to say hello, too. But the greeting isn’t a simple “Hi.” It turns into a cuddle fest of epic proportions!

Just wait until you see the video play out! It’s exactly what you need to make your day brighter. Aren’t kitties the best?!
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