Maine Coon kittens are often described as tiny fluff balls with surprisingly sharp claws. There are cat enthusiasts who are devoted to this breed and won’t consider owning any other type of cat. Some people discover that their new kitten is a Maine Coon only after it keeps growing larger than expected. When Shannan Watkins brought home her new kitten, it’s unclear if she realized just how big her cat would eventually become.
Shannan adopted her kitten right after it was weaned. The little fluff ball was curious and full of energy, and Shannan decided to name her Amanda. Baby Amanda did all the adorable things that small kittens do, like staring intently at clothes spinning in the dryer. However, as with all kittens, feeding and caring for them causes them to grow. Shannan soon witnessed Amanda’s transformation from a tiny kitten to a very large cat—GREAT BIG AMANDA.

Although it might have seemed like Amanda grew overnight, the process actually took a few years. Maine Coon kittens don’t reach their full size until they’re about three to five years old. These cats are known for being quite large, with some comparing them to the size of Garfield.

Maine Coons are among the largest domestic cat breeds. Male Maine Coons typically weigh between 13 to 18 pounds, while females are a bit smaller, ranging from 9 to 13 pounds. A big part of their “giant” reputation comes from their thick, luxurious coats, which are some of the longest in the cat world.
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Maine Coon kittens also have several distinct features that make them easily recognizable. They have large paws (sometimes called “murder mittens”), bushy ears, and long, tufted tails. Their eyes are very expressive, often in shades of green, gold, or sometimes blue. Occasionally, you might even find a Maine Coon with heterochromia, where each eye is a different color.
It’s possible that a Maine Coon might have even inspired the design of the Beast’s face in Disney’s Beauty and the Beast!
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