One day, a man walked into his room to find his bedroom pillow had been completely taken over by a group of tiny, fluffy kittens. Rather than being upset, he decided to make the most of the situation. He found a little space to rest his head next to them, and what happened next was even more heartwarming than expected. His partner captured the adorable moment on camera!
In the video, Justin, the man in question, gently laid down beside the kittens, who were already comfortably dozing on his pillow. As he got settled in, the kittens began to inch closer to him, eventually surrounding him like a cozy, furry necklace. It was as if the man was wearing a “collar” made entirely of sleepy little kittens!
His partner, Pearl, shared the video on social media, and people couldn’t handle the cuteness. The internet was full of comments from people gushing over the scene. One viewer wrote, “They gathered around him like a necklace,” while another added, “I’ve never been more jealous!” A third person joked, “A wreath of kittens… living the dream!”

While this might seem like an extraordinary moment, it’s pretty common for kittens to snuggle up together in a pile, especially in unexpected places. They love to nap wherever they feel comfortable, even if it’s not always convenient for their humans! In fact, another person shared a funny video of their kittens lounging on their lap, just when they were getting ready to head to work.

“I have no idea how to tell these guys I need to leave for work in five minutes,” she humorously commented.
Many people responded, suggesting she just skip work altogether. “I think you need to call in sick!” one person advised. Another chimed in, “Show this to your boss, they’ll get it!”
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These cute and playful videos are just another reminder of how kittens have a special way of getting what they want, whether it’s stealing your pillow or keeping you from going to work. With their irresistible charm, it’s no wonder we let them get away with just about anything!
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