Stories like this one make us believe anything is possible with love, patience, and understanding. Animals are incredibly inspiring. Their resilience and tenacity motivate those around them. Take the kitten in this story, for instance. He was born paralyzed and desperately needed someone to care for him. A woman heard about the sweet four-week-old kitten and agreed to foster him. While many animals aren’t this fortunate, we are so relieved that this little boy was. Soon, he had a roof over his head and a loving human willing to give him the world!
The kitten, Renley, began physical therapy at home. His new foster mom stretched his little legs out and helped him do kitty bicycle kicks. The kitten was such a good sport and happily held his favorite toy the whole time. His foster mom also helped him stand up and walk. She was doing all the work, but it was Renley who was mastering these skills.

Next, they tried acupuncture treatment. The tiny, painless needles were placed into his skin to stimulate blood flow. All these techniques helped because Renley was soon walking all on his own. His foster mom couldn’t fathom parting with him after all they had been through and made his adoption official.
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This beautiful story and short video are so motivational. Do you have a special needs pet that inspires you? Tell us all about them in our comment section. We love hearing from you!
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